Management of Technical Interventions on the move

Ottimizza la gestione di interventi tecnici: velocizza e snellisci il tuo lavoro di assistenza

Management of Technical Interventions on the move

Management of Technical Assistance on the move. Optimize the management of technical interventions: speed up and streamline your assistance, maintenance, repair and sending of reports.

Manage all the activities of your technical operators in an automated way, directly from Mobile, speed up all business processes.
Quick, planned jobs, more control, more quality, quick and error-free information.
Tech Away is the complete solution dedicated to technical personnel: an App for technical assistance and the sending of reports.

Management of Technical Interventions on the move

The advantages for the company and for the technical operators

  • Automate all service, maintenance and repairs
  • Do any technical activity on the go, wherever you are
  • Send reports at the end of the intervention, measure the performance of technicians and improve your business
  • You save time for organizing, exchanging information and updating data
  • Reduce the possibility of error
  • Faster and more organized interventions
  • Work offline, even without the Internet
  • You have everything under control
  • Eliminate the use of paper and make an eco-friendly choice

Management of Technical Interventions on the move

With Tech Away you can:

– Manage assistance, maintenance and repair interventions on the move
Coordinate multiple technicians and keep track of their work
Schedule all interventions
– Organize recurring interventions thanks to scheduled alerts
– Know in a few clicks the tools needed for the intervention and those available
Have everything under control (what intervention was carried out, by whom, in how long, what equipment was used, the cost of labor, etc.)
Work anywhere, even without the Internet
Send reports to the company at the end of the work
Have clients sign your work reports
Export the collected data in Excel format
– The App is available for Tablet, iOS and Android

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