The B2B Digital Asset for fashion

Cosmobile has also responded to two specific customer needs: to equip its agents with a simple and efficient tool for sending orders and replenishment requests, and to set up a B2B E-commerce to give its professional users, to make purchases directly from the web.

Efficiency, Style, Innovation
We have developed three distinct solutions, closely integrated with each other: Fashion corporate website, with the collection showcase, Sales network management app, B2B E-commerce.
- Website: every season the company portal becomes the company’s showcase for showcasing the new fashion collections. In addition to presenting the lookbook with the outfits of current trends, the site contains the press sections, news, information on the national and international sales network, and distribution channels. There is also a Social Wall dedicated to content published by the company on Social channels which follows a Social Media Marketing strategy with targeted actions towards customers Kontatto
- Sales network management app: sales agents have a Sales Force Automation Software, OS Enterprise, available for order collection. Fully integrable with the company ERP to obtain up-to-date information on customers, articles, price lists, discounts.
- B2B E-commerce: we have created a B2B E-commerce dedicated to professional customers and distributors, fully integrated with the OS Enterprise sales network management software.

Visibility, Innovation, Style
- Innovative and accurate corporate communication, in line with current fashion trends, built on a glamorous and original design
- 80% cost savings on order acquisition
- Greater efficiency of the entire commercial network
- Increase in turnover thanks to a strategic distribution channel, without fixed costs like the B2B portal

The fashion show in the window
B2B E-commerce
A B2B E-commerce platform, dedicated to professionals in the sector (distributors, professional customers) where you can view the latest arrivals, browse the catalog among photographic shots, innovative shootings and technical information, with the possibility of autonomously placing orders from your own price list, make restocking and have ad hoc sales conditions. All the combinations of sizes and colors that each garment can present are also managed. Fully integrated with the App OS Enterprise and with the company management system.

A trendy website
Kontatto Website
Fashion parades online in the Kontatto portal: the latest technologies available in the web field have combined Design and User Experience, giving life to an innovative, glamorous site, always attentive to the latest trends. The brand’s new collections, the press area, all the latest news, are the protagonist sections of the portal, together with the list of official Kontatto sales points, information on distributors, resellers and agents. You can also connect directly to the B2B E-commerce portal. All in three languages: Italian, English and Russian.

A new way of selling fashion for commercials
OS Enterprise
Fashion travels with the efficient and up-to-date sales network. The company adopted our Sales Force Automation OS Enterprise solution, which allows you to manage all the activities related to your sales network. It allows you to manage orders and estimates, with specific functions related to the periodic restocking of products, with special attention to the fashion sector with the implementation of ad hoc solutions, such as management dedicated to size and color variants.